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Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness Meditation




Integration Coaching


Integration Coaching

Inquiry-based Approach


Inquiry-based Approach




Nutrition and Dietary Support


Nutrition and Dietary Support

Life Coaching


Life Coaching

















Huachuma/San Pedro


Huachuma/San Pedro




Areas of Expertise

Psychedelic Integration


Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic Preparation


Psychedelic Preparation

Creative Ideation


Creative Ideation

Spiritual Business


Spiritual Business

Perspective Shifting


Perspective Shifting




Spiritual Emergence


Spiritual Emergence

Spiritual Path


Spiritual Path

Soul and Life Purpose


Soul and Life Purpose








“See the Light?”

According to my mother, this was my very first complete phrase, in the form of a question. Or perhaps it was a declarative statement. Hard to say, but in hindsight, it seems highly symbolic, perhaps an early expression of my soul’s purpose: supporting, helping, and guiding others to do just that.

Much later, during a vision quest, a similar thing was shown to me, a voice speaking to me in the desert (I know, how biblical): “Shine Brightly so that others may Brightly Shine”. Now, the wonky grammar might be due to the fact that I hadn’t eaten, spoken, or listened to any other person in days, but the message was clear, and I have subsequently adopted it as a mantra.

First, though, I had to learn to see the light in my own soul. I had to learn what keeps that brightness shining, how to nurture and care for it with kindness and self-respect, and how to honor the gift that it is. I also had to learn to “See the Dark”, to be with my shadow side fully and completely—and that only took another decade or two. Historically, I have not been a quick learner. But once I finally know, I know. 

I know that if I can do it, you can do it. I know that you already know. Deep down, you know you are here to follow your inner guidance, read the signs and symbols presented to you in the lower, middle, and upper worlds, and manifest your destiny, whatever that may be. You know you must or you will never feel truly whole and complete.

On some level, you know that everything that is, has ever been, or ever will be in your life is an opportunity to help you wake up, an invitation to come home. To what you truly are. And knowing this, it is possible to live in a constant state of gratitude for everything. Every. Single. Thing. Yes, even that. Especially that. You know, intuitively, that living in gratitude is the surest, quickest way to see your most noble intentions and aspirations bloom all around you.

If you are willing to commit, contact me. I’ll meet you where you’re at. From there, we’ll move forward and go deeper, together. Soon enough, you too will “See the Light”.

Single sessions

Signature Program: 6 Sessions @ 6 Weeks - $600


  • 90-minute initial session
  • Ongoing WhatsApp Text and Audio Support
  • "Breath is Everything” Online Program
  • Customized Yoga Nidra Guided Meditations Available Upon Request

Preparation and Integration Package (60-mins x 3) - $350

My role is to support you with empathy, compassion, an absence of judgment and a balance between sharing my experience and your own self-discovery.

“That happened; now what?” is my succinct way of defining the initial stage of integration. What are you going to do with what you experienced? How will you meet any remaining challenges and manifest whatever insights, visions or guidance you have received?

Training and credentials
  • Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Program (Aya Healing Retreats/Atira Tan)
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • E-RYT 500 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher – Yoga Alliance)
  • Vision Quest Guide (apprentice program, Animas Valley Institute)
  • 20 years of regular Buddhist meditation retreats 
  • Certified Bodyworker (Ashmead College)
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Psychedelic Therapy, Ethical Right Relationship in Psychedelic Therapy (Psychedelic Support)

Psychedelic Integration Coach

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What resonated the most was his ability to have so much compassion and understanding of the trauma I was going through although he never experienced that type of loss, he was able to make me feel safe during a traumatic time.



Troy is a practitioner and coach of the highest integrity, deeply mindful and responsible in his connection and attunement with his clients.


Atira Tan

Troy is a deeply mindful and compassionate guide, creating transformative spaces for healing and growth. His integrity, presence, and ability to both lead and support others make him an exceptional mentor. Having experienced his work in both yoga and plant medicine settings, I highly recommend him as a valuable addition to any team.



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