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Psychedelic Integration Coach

Erin Rose Ward


5 years of exp.

Los Angeles, USA



Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness Meditation




Transpersonal Psychology


Transpersonal Psychology




Life Coaching


Life Coaching

Integration Coaching


Integration Coaching

Interpersonal Therapy


Interpersonal Therapy











Areas of Expertise

Grief / Loss


Grief / Loss

Psychedelic Integration


Psychedelic Integration




Eating Disorders


Eating Disorders

Early Childhood Trauma


Early Childhood Trauma

Sexual Trauma


Sexual Trauma

Trauma Resolution


Trauma Resolution








In my late teens/early twenties, I had what has been called a "dark night of the soul." I was living in NYC, going to college, and struggling to keep my head above water. My world felt like it was spiraling out of control. As an athlete and a health fanatic, I used the tools I had to grip on to any semblance of control. I developed an eating disorder that I was able to skillfully hide from my family and peers. For a few years I had a secret reality that only knew about, one that had me avoiding dinner tables. spending long hours on a treadmill, learning how to throw up quietly, and wearing a bright smile to mask my pain. I was getting straight A's, was working a few jobs, and had a robust social circle.

To the outside world, I was living well. Inside, I was suffering and in so much pain.

I was able to hide it, until I wasn't. A dear friend of mine (who is now also in the therapeutic arts) intervened. She sat me down and told me she saw me. She saw me disappearing and she begged me to get help. Someone seeing me, really seeing me underneath the put-together facade. Looking back, I can feel the sense of relief I experienced by being confronted with my shadow. By having it placed on the table between me and someone who genuinely cared.

I started going to therapy and it was then that yoga and meditation found me. I remember crying in my first yoga class - I finally felt safe in my body. I began - slowly - to reconstruct my identity. I started walking the path back to myself via this blend of ancient and modern healing techniques. For the next 10 years, I would devote myself to practice, learning, healing, and stepping into the capacity to offer a safe and supportive space for soul exploration and integration.

Along the way, I began to work with various plants. The consciousness altering plants that I consider dear allies at this point in my journey are: Santa Maria (also known popularly as Cannabis), Psilocybin, MDMA, and Ayahuasca. I also work with various non-psychedelic fungi and plants as a way to support harmony and health on all levels of my being.

I see these plants as teachers, as allies, as mysterious supports offered to us by Great Spirit - the nameless benevolent force that weaves through all of life. Plants have been such a big part of my healing, my expansion, and the coming home to myself. I carry a deep reverence for the plants and the cultures, lands, and peoples that steward them. They carry such power, and deserve the utmost respect.

I see my work as as a blending of ancient and modern wisdoms and traditions that allows each of us to enter into spaciousness inside of our bodies, minds, and hearts. I am ever grateful for my "dark night of the soul", for I recognize that there are so many blessings to harvest inside of darkness. I do not shy away from the dark, and I support those I work with by journeying into any and every space that their soul is calling for company.

I am the woman I am because of path I am walking. I am delighted to walk this path with you.

When I work with people, I am rooted in the knowing that each of us possesses everything we need to heal. I bring the scaffolding for our time together which includes a variety of techniques and tools to take us into deep soul inquiry.

We work with the language of the body as well as the mind, and so our experience will include somatic healing techniques, breath practices to support the nervous system, talk therapy, meditation, and deep relaxation practices.

Integrating psychedelic experiences is essential to working skillfully and sustainably with these powerful plants. We can transform our reality with kindness, curiosity, and commitment.

I will be with you every step of the way.

I have found success in working with people over an extended amount of time. This work is not about immediate gratification. Rather it is a sacred process that works deep into our beings. We will delve into the literal, the archetypal, the psychological, the physical, and every other plane of reality that beckons us forth.

I look forward to journeying with you.

  • 10 + years facilitating 1 on 1, semi-private, and large group healing experiences
  • Certified Breathwork Facilitator
  • Certified Mindfulness Meditation Instructor 750 hr RYT
  • University of Santa Monica - Spiritual Psychology Graduate
  • Pacifica Graduate Institute - Counseling Psychology Student
Psychedelic Integration Coach

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“After working with Erin, I gained mental clarity, self-confidence, and had fun doing it!”


Claire Dilworth, Mar Vista CA

"Erin is a powerhouse goddess of mindful movement and meditation. Her sessions always leave me feeling more confident, more powerful, and happier than when I came in. I had been off the workout train for awhile before I started coming to Erin and her compassionate approach helped me embrace where I was at while also committing to becoming stronger. If you are looking for a kick-you-in-the-butt mentor who is simultaneously gentle and loving, definitely get to know Erin!"


Natalie Taggart, Venice CA

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