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Psychedelic Integration Coach

Andrea Langlois


15 years of exp.

Western Europe



Integration Coaching


Integration Coaching

Life Coaching


Life Coaching

Family Therapy


Family Therapy

Systemic Constellations


Systemic Constellations

Meditation and Guides Journeys


Meditation and Guides Journeys

Ancestral Healing


Ancestral Healing























Huachuma/San Pedro


Huachuma/San Pedro






















Plant Dietas


Plant Dietas




Supports all medicines


Supports all medicines

Areas of Expertise

Psychedelic Preparation


Psychedelic Preparation

Psychedelic Integration


Psychedelic Integration




Spiritual Path


Spiritual Path

Soul and Life Purpose


Soul and Life Purpose

Ancestors and Family Systems


Ancestors and Family Systems

Earth-based Rituals


Earth-based Rituals

Transitions, Thresholds, and Endings


Transitions, Thresholds, and Endings








I have always been an explorer – exploring the edges between the conventional and the marginal, the seen and unseen worlds.

I have been blessed by the wisdom of other edgewalkers, I have travelled to the heart of the Amazon, been guided and taught by Indigenous communities, teacher plants, & fungi. I have travelled to the lands of my Ancestors, dived into the depths of a daily yoga practice, and communed with trees, around fires, and in prayer lodges.

I have benefited deeply from the wisdom of community. And, I have also experienced the depths of solo-travelling and finding my way through the dark, guided by my inner knowing.

Through this life as a journeyer, I have harvested many gifts, tools, and practices for my toolkit, as well as a clear understanding that my purpose is to accompany groups and individuals in their inward and outward journeys.

I join Nectara with over 15 years of experience with plant medicines and psychedelics (including working at an international organisation focused on policy, best practice, conservation, and human rights).

I am a practitioner of systemic and family constellations – a therapeutic approach that illuminates hidden dynamics in our family and wider systems, and disentangles them to enable greater vitality to flow. I am in service to wholeness.

We are a part of many systems in our lives - family, work, school, community, friends. Think of these systems like the tails of a peacock feather, with each feather behind you representing a system that you are a part of.

Essentially this means that we are intricately connected, and influenced by, the systems in our lives. Often, we are caught up in dynamics and patterns that originate from entanglements with these systems – yet we cannot see it.

Systemic constellations (also called family constellations) are a facilitated, experiential practice that allows us to sense into systems, illuminate hidden dynamics, and support the internal shifts that unblock and return the system to balance.

I offer systemic constellations as a modality that can support preparation and integration of psychedelic/plant medicine journeys, as well as navigating complexity and challenging dynamics within the “medicine” community or in your personal, work, or family life. 

By including a systemic perspective, we move away from the persistent focus on the individual, to one that includes a broader picture of health and wellbeing.

How it works

Systemic constellations is a way of sensing into the deep and hidden wisdom of a system and engaging in dialogue with it. The process is guided within a clearly held space and there is nothing you need to learn how to do beforehand.

For each session, we will engage in a dialogue to clarify the intention of the session and to formulate a question or area of exploration on which the constellation will focus.

We then identify the essential elements involved in the system that is being explored, which can include people, places, parts of ourselves, archetypes, or other elements. These elements are then represented within a dynamic map that creates an external picture of an unexpressed internal picture of relationship systems.

This is either done through having human “representatives” step in (when working in groups), or with figures, floor markers, or guided visualisation when working 1-1. Through these maps we are able to sense and see hidden patterns or the dynamics below the issues, which once illuminated can be resolved.

Because we are working with the broader intelligence of the field, shifts can happen quickly, and insights can contribute to a gentle process of change and integration.

What they can support

Constellations can be a supportive practice to approach challenging situations and complex issues that are beyond straightforward solutions. It is particularly useful for:

  • Connecting to intention and purpose
  • Integration after ceremonies or retreats - supporting a systemic integration as you return home, to work, to family
  • Releasing patterns and unlocking flow around relationships, money, work, love, place, creativity, and more
  • Finding closure in personal and familial issues (known and unknown)
  • Connecting with the power of our ancestors and family line
  • Supporting with transitions and connecting to full potential
  • Opening creativity and innovation
  • Support with problem solving and decision-making

Credentials and Training
  •  Bachelor of Arts, Master’s of Arts
  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
  • Systemic Leadership Coaching & Constellations, Essentials + Level 1 (The Whole Partnership)
  • Conflict Transformation: A Systemic Approach training (The Whole Partnership)
  • Contemporary Constellations and Field Theory Foundations Course, Modules 1 & 2 (Open Field Institute)
  • Foundations & Applied family constellations training (Center for Systemic Constellations)

Psychedelic Integration Coach

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I really enjoy working with Andrea. It is a very iterative process, with ideas unfolding until we are both resonating with the material. It’s very co-creative and the end result feels greater than the sum of the individual parts.


Grainne McAnallen

There is a care-full attentive, delicacy and slowness about her which makes people feel she is present, really attending to them and being with them, that they are important and matter. She is not shy of deep emotions – either her own or being with others’, which enables her to work well in both the emotional and spiritual domains, and enables her to be supportive and kind when people are vulnerable.


Deborah Haskew

She has a beautiful way of being in relation with people offering deep listening and respect and a gentle energy and has clear boundaries which creates for me a feeling of safety .


Angela Prusa

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